Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura powszechna - Zagadnienia specjalne (powszechna) - Tematy, motywy (powszechna) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym |
The legacy of the Holocaust. Children and the Holocaust
Osoby współtworzące: |
Edited by Zygmunt Mazur, Fritz H. Koenig, Arnold Krammer, Harry Brod, Władysław Witalisz |
Wydawnictwo: | Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press
Opis fizyczny książki:
[2002], 459 s. |
[Zawiera] Editors' preface. * Opening speeches: Franciszek Ziejka, Marek Nawara, Fritz H. Koenig. * Keynote address: M. Michael Thaler: Unlikely witnesses - childrens voices and what they tell ua about the Holocaust experience [z fragmentami pamiętników Dawida Sierakowiaka, Rutki Lieblich, Isaaca Rudashevsky'ego, Mojsze Flinkera i Anny Frank]. * Part 1. Experiences remembered: Norman Jacobs: My hometown concentration camp: Bernard Offen, film as dialogue and the process of healing. - Eva Mozes Kor: Children and the Holocaust - echoes from Auschwitz [wspomnienie osobiste]. - Karl Odwarka: The Auschwitz death march of late January, 1945, as witnessed along the road from Pszczyna / Pless to Rybnik [wspomnienie osobiste]. - Elizabeth Welt Trahan: Role models of sorts. A study of influences and contrasts [wspomnienie]. * Part 2. Holocaust Childhoods: Jill Goodman Gould: Imagining a Holocaust childhood. Wilkomirski's "Fictional memoir" fragments. - Viktoria Hertling: Stella Mueller-Madej's Memoirs on the Holocaust perceptions of trauma "Through the eyes of a child". - Barbara Kubis: Childhood at the time of the Holocaust - experiences of Jewish children in view of the diaristic literature. - Simon P. Sibelman: Food as harbinger of death - the child's perspective. - Sue Vice: The Holocaust "from below" - literary child's-eye views. - Hans M. Wuerth: Beyond the yellow star: "Memory is not enough." Inge Auerbacher then and now. * Part 3. Coping with the past: Ellen Ben Sefer: Children in a transit camp - lifelong repercussion [w oparciu o pamiętniki]. - Susanne Bleiberg Seperson, Annie Wertman Bleiberg: Through the eyes of a Holocaust survivor and second generation member - lessons for living. - Katie M. Colendich: Healing narrations. Memoirs of children of the Holocaust and the significance of forgiveness. - Linda Rasmussen Voss: Holocaust education: the path to a better world. A maine teacher's perspective about reaching students. - Tom Wright: Reconciliation from a buddhist perspective: child survivors of the Holocaust and their offspring. * Part 5. The Holocaust in literature and the other arts: Ruth G. Biro: Hungarian youth in the Holocaust. Reflections in literature for children and young adults. - Bernard H. Decker: Breeding a nwe generation in Europe: Gudrun Paudewang and her fight against right wing extremism. - Stephen M. Finn: To engrave the Holocaust. Survival, silence and serendipity in Art Spiegelman's "Maus". - Roy Goldblatt: Reactions to children of survivors by American-born characters in Cynthia Ozick's "Bloodshed" and Joanna Spiro's "3000 years of your history... Take one year for yourself". - Cheryl Alexander Malcolm: The lucky ones? Child evacuees and the legacy of the Holocaust: Anita Brookner's "Latecomers" (1988). - Ralph Slayton: Children of the Holocaust in Czech music, literature and the visual arts. - Harvey Teres: The "Holocaust industry" and Jewish-American fiction. - Amy Lynn Wlodarski: Beyond authenticity and remembrance: navigating the challenges and responsibilities of a modern production of "Brundibar" [dot. także libretta Adolfa Hoffmeistera]. |
Numer zapisu:
1090435 (PC) |
| recenzja: Łysak Tomasz: Okruchy dzieciństwa. O dziecięcych świadectwach Zagłady. Teksty Drugie 2003 nr 2/3 s. 138-145 (z not. o autorze art. na s. 386...) | szczegóły |