Dział bibliografii:
Teoria literatury - Literatura i literaturoznawstwo a inne nauki |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym |
Future Crossings. Literature Between Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Osoby współtworzące: |
[Red.] Krzysztof Ziarek, Seamus Deane |
Wydawnictwo: | Evanston: Northwestern University Press
Rok wydania:
2000 |
Opis fizyczny książki:
309 s. |
Seria wydawnicza:
(Philosophy, Literature, and Culture) |
Krzysztof Ziarek, Seamus Deane: Introduction. * [Zawiera eseje;] Part I. Remebering the Future: Elizabeth Grosz: Thinking the New: Of Futures Yet Unthought. - Joseph Kronick: Between Act and Archive: Literature in the Nuclear Age. - Alice Gambrell: Remembering Women's Studies. - Marilyn Manners: The Dissolute Feminisms of Kathy Acker. * Part II. Deconstruction and Culture: Community, Politics, Ethics: Rodolphe Gasche: Feeling the Debt: On Europe. - Joan Brandt: The Politics of "Difference: Tell Quel" and Deconstruction. - Dorota Głowacka: Ethical Figures Otherness: Jean-Luc Nancy's Sublime Offering and Emmanuel Levinas's Gift to the Other. - Gilbert Chaitin: Lacan with Adorno? The Question of Fasist-Rationalism. - David Lloyd: Counterparts: Dubliners, Masculinity, and Temperance Nationalism. |
Numer zapisu:
1140181 (ZS) |