Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura kanadyjska - Literatura współczesna (kanadyjska) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym |
Visions of Canadian studies. Teaching, research, methodology. Papers presented at the conference organised by Institute of English Studies and Institute of Romance Studies at the University of Warsaw, Warsaw 17-18 April 1998 = Visions d'etudes canadiennes. Enseignement, recherche, methodologie. Actes du colloque organisé par l'Institut d'Etudes Anglaises et l'Institut d'Etudes Romanes a l'Universite de Varsovie, Varsovie 17-18 avril 1998
Osoby współtworzące: |
[Red.] Nancy Burke, Józef Kwaterko |
Wydawnictwo: | Warszawa: Instytut Romanistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii
Rok wydania:
1998 |
Opis fizyczny książki:
164 s. |
[ zawiera :] Józef Kwaterko: Eseigner la culture quebecoise en Europe: enjeux et perspectives. - Maciej Abramowicz: Concevoir l'enseignement de la culture quebecoise en Pologne: enjeux et interrogations. - Marek Gołębiowski: An Intercultural Communication Approach to Canadian Studies. - Nancy Burke: The Voice of the Native Peoples in Canadadian Literatury - Its Presentation to Polish Students. - Agnieska Dalkiewicz: Phisical and spiritual survival. Victor/victim relationships in selected works of Margaret Atwood. -Magdalena Czechowska: Michael Ondaatje - Poet of Reality. - Eugeniusz Sojka: English Canadian Feminist Language - and Theory. Focused Writing as a Contemporary Avant-garde. - Anna Branach: Historiographic metafictions in the feminine: on "Plainsong" by Nancy Huston and "La Maison Trestler ou le 8e jour d'Amerique" by Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska. - Ewa Welnic: Mavis Gallant's Narrative Structures. - Hanna Mickiewicz: L'estetique theatrale de Michel Tremblay. - Martyna Janik: L'imaginaire juif et l'ecriture migrante au Quebec: Naim Kattan et Regine Robin. - Anna Batko: Abraham Moses Klein as a Story Writer. |
Numer zapisu:
1148758 (ZS) |