Dział bibliografii:
Historia literatury (literatura polska) - Renesans |
Rodzaj zapisu:
recenzja |
Autor: | Sokoloski Richard - szczegóły
Slavic Review, 1991 t. 50 nr 4 s. 1051 - szczegóły |
Numer zapisu:
126354 (ZS) |
Dotyczy zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym: The Polish Renaissance in its European context, [ zawiera:] A. Gieysztor: Polish historians and the need for history in 15th century Poland. - A. Walicki: The political heritage of the sixteenth century and its influence on the nation-building ideologies of the Polish Enlightement and Romanticism. - J. Tazbir: The Polish reformation as an intellectual movement. - A. Wróblewski:The cracovian background of Nicholas Copernicus. - E. Rosen: What Copernicus owed to the west and what we owed to Copernicus. - W. Voise: Polish renaissance political theory: A. Frycz Modrzewski. - P.W. Knoll: The university context of Kochanowski's era: humanism and the academic culture of the early Renaissance in Poland. - T. Ulewicz: Polish humanism and its Italian sources: beginnings and historical development. - S. Fiszman: The signifiance of the Polish Renaissance and Baroque fot eastern slavic nations. - T. Bałuk-Ulewiczowa: The senator of W. Goślicki and the Elisabethan counsellor. - W. Weintraub: Kochanowski's fame. - Pelc J.: J. Kochanowski, creator of Polish national literatur, and the Renaissance in Poland. - M.R. Mayenowa: The linguistic form of J. Kochanowski's poetry. - M. Giergielewicz: J. Kochanowski's versification. - J. Axer: Classical tradition in Kochanowski's work: problems of reception. - J.R. Krzyżanowski: Everything is but a trifle [J. Kochanowski]. - T. Karpowicz: To whom does the poet sing? - P. Buchwald-Pelcowa: J. Kochanowski: the poet's sixteenth-century editions in the context of contemporary Polish and european printing. - E. Hilfstein: J. Kochanowski through the eyes of his earliest biographer. - A. Kadic: J. Kochanowski and Croatian literature. - P. Lewin: J. Kochanowski: the model poet in eastern slavic lectures on poetics of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [1989] - szczegóły |