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Dział bibliografii:  Literatury obce
 - Literatura powszechna
  - Historia literatury (powszechna)
Rodzaj zapisu:  książka w haśle rzeczowym
Dział bibliografii:  Literatura współczesna (powszechna)
Tytuł:  Language and identity. English and American studies in the age of globalization. Volume 1: Literature
Osoby współtworzące:  Red. Zygmunt Mazur. Red. Teresa Bela
Wydawnictwo: Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press
Opis fizyczny książki:  [2006], 627 s., il., Materiały z "Tenth international April conference", która odbyła się w dn. 20-22 kwietnia 2005 r. w Krakowie.
Adnotacje:  [Zawiera:] Preface. * Part I - Plenary Lectures: Michael Irwin: Language and Implication. - David Cowart: The Eutetic Muse: Recent Immigrant Writing in the United States. * Part II - English Literature: - Władysław Witalisz: Translatio Imperii - Translatio Histriae: Myth, History and Politics in Middle English Stories of the Trojan War. - Terence McCarthy: The Globe and Globalization: Some Thoughts on Language and Identity in Shakespeare's England. - Sabine Coelsch-Foisner: Metamorphic Play in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". - Gerd Rohmann: Comedies of Women's Education: Language and Identity in Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" and Shaw's "Pygmalion". - Agnieszka Romanowska: From Text to Performance. Antoni Libera's Translation of "Mackbeth" in the Staging by Andrzej Wajda. - Anna Cetera: "The Eye of Man Hath Not Heard, the Ear of Man Not Seen": Metonymy and Metaphor in Early Modern Travel Writing. - Juergen Klein: Eastward Ho! Hakluyt's "Principal Vyages" on English 16th Century Seafarers to the Baltic and Eastern Europe. - Anna Miegoń: Local Superstition / Global Emancipation: Women and Seventeenth-Century English Almanacs. - Jadvyga Kruminiene: John Donne: Conceiting the Self and the Other. - Mandy Green: "Content with these British Islands as my World": The Choice of the Vernacular in the Evolution of Milton's Poetic Identity. - Aleksander Gomola: On Throwing the Sand in "Mock on, Mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau": An Analysis of Two Translations of One Poem by William Blake. - Monika Goghen: A "Philosophic Traveller" in the Tatras and Galicia in the Year 1793: Robert Townson's Account in "Travels in Hungary". - Lisa Vargo: The Cosmo Girl's Grand Tour: Anna Jameson's "Diary of an Ennuyee". - Ludwig Schnauder: The Transformation of the Freedom-of-the-Will Problem in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Britain: The Example of George Eliot's "Middlemarch" and Joseph Conrad's "Nostromo". - Przemysław Michalski: The Eckhartian Notion of Abgeschiedenheit in the Selected Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. - Aba Carina Parlog: George Orwell's "Down and Out in Paris and London": Thin Bodies and Desperate Minds? - Magdalena Bleinert: No More Parades: History and Personal Experience in Fond Madox Ford's "The Good Soldier" and "Parade's End". - Izabela Curyłło-Klag: "All Personality Was Catching" - Mimetic Rivalry and Contagion with Violence in Wyndham Lewis's "Tarr". - Bożena Grzebień: Freedom in the Poetry and Critical Essays of T.S. Eliot. - Julie Campbell: Language and Identity in Samuel Beckett's "Echo's Bones" and "The Unnamable". - Anna Walczuk: The Allegory of Irony in a Post-Modern Convention. - Bożena Kucała: "All That Was the Plot of a Romance": Construction of Identity Through Literature in A.S. Byatt's "Possession". - Ingrida Zindziuviene: The Shift of Boundaries in Contemporary British Literature: The Importance of the Setting in Stephan Collishaw's Novels. - Andreea Serban: Asserting a New Identity: Women and Tattoos in Sarah Hall's "The Electric Michelangelo". * Part III - Irish Literature: - Katarzyna Bazarnik: Iconic Identity of Character's in James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake". - Izolda Gabriele Geniusiene: Meaning Constituted in the Language of the Epiphanies of James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artis As a Young Man". - Stephen Regan: "The Falling Angels": Identity and Place in Contemporary Irish Autobiography. - Paul Titchmarss: "The Hysterical Laughter of the Defeated Everywhere": States of Ireland in Patrick Kavanagh's "The Great Hunger". - Monika Kozub: Language and Identity in the Drama of Brian Friel. * Part IV - American, Canadian and Australian Literature: - Robin Davidson: "Hope Leslie": Catharine Maria Sedgwick's Response to the Epic. - Joseph Eugene Mullin: "The Silent Man": Ulysses S. Grant and His "Personal Memoirs". - Katarzyna Dudziak: A Quest for True Humanity: The Portrayal of Jim in Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". - William Adamson: Footfalls of the Mind: Memory in William Kennedy's "Ironweed". - Grażyna Branny: "But It's Not Love": Toni Morrison's Latest Novel. - Katarzyna Hauzer: The Politics of Deception in Joseph Heller's "Something Happened". - Margarete Rubik: Imagining the Impossible: Fantastic Body Trabsformations in Peter Carey's Short Fiction. - Eliza Filimon: Hunter and Prey in Agela Carter's "The Erl King" and "The Toger's Bride". - Damian Podleśny: The "Reality Problem" in Philip K. Dick's "Ubik". * Part V - Comparative Literature and Literary Theory: - Ib Johansen: Narrative Power: The Role of the Storyteller from Zora Neale Hurston to Subcomandante Marcos. - Cristina Cheveresan: Neurotic Spaces of the Artficial: Oscar Wilde and Bruno Schulz, Masters of the Pure Form. - Irena Ragaisiene: Revisionist Inscriptions of Identity in Margaret Atwood's "Lolou, or, the Domestic Life of the Language" and Renata Serelyte's "The Proofreader and Reptile". - Anna Cholewa-Purgał: Therapy Through Catharsis in Fantasy Literature as Exemplified by the Works of the Inklings and Ursula Le Guin. - Claudia Ioana Doroholschi: Voices, Languages, Identities: Speech as a Gothic Device in George Du Mauerier and Stephen King. - Maria Stefanescu: The "Possible Worlds" of Literature and the Semantics of Fiction. - Ewa Kowal: Iconicity of Experience in Fredereic Beigbeder's "Windows in the World". - Eva Oppermann: The Animal Novel: An Attempt at Sub-Genre Definition.
Proweniencja:  Rekord powstał w oparciu o otwarte dane bibliograficzne Biblioteki Narodowej (https://data.bn.org.pl)
Numer zapisu:  1359313 (IMP)