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Dział bibliografii:  Literatury obce
 - Literatury Indii
  - Zagadnienia specjalne (Indii)
   - Tematy, motywy (Indii)
Rodzaj zapisu:  książka w haśle rzeczowym
Dział bibliografii:  Historia literatury (Indii)
Tytuł:  Love and nature in Kavya literature. Proceedings
Osoby współtworzące:  Red. Lidia Sudyka
Wydawnictwo: Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka
Rok wydania:  2005
Opis fizyczny książki:  315, [1] s., Proceedings of the International Kavya Seminar which took place frem 22nd to 25th September, 2005 in Cracow and Zakopane. Na okł. i grzb. wyłącznie nazwa serii.
Seria wydawnicza:  (Cracow Indological Studies, vol. 7)
Adnotacje:  [Zawiera materiały z seminarium:] Lidia Sudyka: Editor's Preface. - Jaroslav Vacek: Preface. [I.] Kalidasa's oeuvre: Rajendran Chettiarthodi: Humanising nature - a study in the imagery of Kalidasa. - Cinzia Pieruccini: The loving creeper and the tree: Kalidasa, botany and ancient spells. - Iwona Milewska: Love and ascetics in the "Mahabharata" as compared to Uma and Siva story from the "Kumarasambhava". - David Smith: Kissing in kavya, with special reference to Kalidasa's "Kumarasambhava". - Mariola Pigoniowa: The lament of Rati. - Anna Bonisoli Alquatti: The sixteenth sarga of Kalidasa "Raghuvamsa". [II.] Descriptions of the ocean: Tiziana Pontillo: A lexical study of the the terms for the sea in tha "Ramayana" and in the "Raghuvamsa". - Giuliano Boccali: The sea in ancient India's literary landscape: Pravasena's "Setubandha" II, 1-36. - Lidia Sudyka: Sea images in the "Bhattikavya" with special reference to its sarga XIII. [III.] Sanskrit prose: Anna Trynkowska: From "Dasakumaracarita" II: how Sleeping Ceauty stole the heart of the Thieving Prince. [IV.] Buddhist literature: Camillo Formigatti: Love as an example fo 'skill in means' in Buddhist poetic literature. - Paola M. Rossi: The apsaras-es' image in the Pali Buddhist canon. [V.] Religious and philosophical literature: Mimma Congedo: The transformation of nature in the aesthetics of Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy. - Bruno Lo Turco: Love and nature in the "Moksopaya". - Daniela Rossella: Savouring God: nature, senses, and the taste of the Divine in Indian and Western mystical poetry. [VI.] Tamil and Hindi literature: Alexander Dubanskiy: Messenger-poems in Tamil poetry. - Danuta Stasik: "Bhumi-bhusana" or how nature should be described. A few glimpses into Kesavdas's "Kavi-priya". [VII.] Supplement: Herman Tieken: Author's signatures in early Kavya. - Cezary Galewicz, Lidia Sudyka: "If ou know ine thousand sloka-s, you are half a poet": on the aksara-sloka traditions of Kerala.
Proweniencja:  Rekord powstał w oparciu o otwarte dane bibliograficzne Biblioteki Narodowej (https://data.bn.org.pl)
Numer zapisu:  1359403 (IMP)