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Materiał dostępny za lata 1989-2012

| Spis działów | Indeks nazwisk | Indeks rzeczowy | Kartoteka czasopism |
| Kartoteka teatrów | Kartoteka wydawnictw | Szukaj tytułu |


Dział bibliografii:  Literatury obce
 - Literatury Indii
  - Historia literatury (Indii)
Rodzaj zapisu:  książka w haśle rzeczowym
Dział bibliografii:  Literatura współczesna (Indii)
Tytuł:  [Second] 2nd International Conference on Indian Studies. Proceedings
Osoby współtworzące:  Red. Renata Czekalska, Halina Marlewicz
Wydawnictwo: Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka
Rok wydania:  2003
Opis fizyczny książki:  649 s.
Seria wydawnicza:  (Cracow Indological Studies, vol. 4-5)
Adnotacje:  [Materiały z konferencji w dn. 19-23 IX 2001. Zawiera m.in.:] * Hindi Writers Speak: Nirmal Verma: Between the real and the unreal. - Kunwar Narain: A few personal thoughts on "Atmajayi" and my other poems. The content of living in the form of poetry. - Ashok Vajpei: Absence and presence - exploring music in poetry. - Vishnu Khare: The "Mahabharat" in my poems. - Ramesh Chandra Shah: The worlds. Sacrality & literature: a Hindi writer's point of view. * Conference Proceedings: Giuliano Boccali: The image of mountains between "Itihasa" and "Kavya". - Mary Brockington: Who was the golden deer? Narrative inconsistency in the abduction of Sita. - Simon Brodbeck: Krsna's action as the paradigm of asakta karman in the "Bhagavadgita". - M. Krzysztof Byrski: On the edge of reality; the nature of the act of perception in Indian art. - Renata Czekalska: Between word and presence. Reading Ashok Vajpei. - Klara Gonc Moacanin: The origin(s) of natya: natya versus ritual [nt. początków teatru indyjskiego]. - Mari Hattori: Semantic aspects of Vamana's poetics. - Joanna Jurewicz: Back to the roots. Metaphor in the Rgveda and examples in the philosophical sutras. - Klaus Karttunen: Salabha, patanga, etc. Locutus, crickets, and moths in Sanskrit literature. - Lothar Lutze: Translating a Hindi novel. Problems and possibilities. - Stuart McGregor: On the response to English literature: aspects of reaction in Hindi. - Mariola Offredi: A note on modern Hindi poetry. - Mariola Pigoniowa: Between the river and the woman: Ganga in Kalidasa's "Meghaduta". - Lucy Rosenstein: Myths, tales, scriptures: feminist re-reading of received narratives in Katyayani poetry. - Daniela Rossella: The femine beauty in the classical Indian poetry: ideas and ideals. - Satyendra Srivastava: The legacy of Krsna in Dharmavir Bharti's "Andha Yug". - Danuta Stasik: Banadas: a nineteenth-century singer of Rama's glory. - Lidia Sudyka: From Asvaghosa to Bhatti: the development of the mahakavya genre. - Herman Tieken: The genre of Jayadeva's "Gitagovinda". - Anna Trynkowska: The description of Krsna in Magha's "Sisupalavadha".
Numer zapisu:  1415118 (EP)