Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura brytyjska i irlandzka - Hasła szczegółowe (brytyjska i irlandzka) - Hasła osobowe (brytyjska i irlandzka) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka o twórcy (przedmiotowa) |
Hasło osobowe: | Kempe Margery - szczegóły
Autor: | Sikorska Liliana - szczegóły
Voices Against Silence: Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe. A Feminist Approach to Language
Wydawnictwo: | Poznań: Motivex
Rok wydania:
1996 |
Opis fizyczny książki:
194 s. |
[Zawiera:] Preface. Inroduction: 1. The context. 2. Some notes on methodology. 3. "Female" literary genres: autobiography and confession. Rozdz. I. Women and language: reading the (silenced) text. 1. The pragmatic approach to silence. 2. Exclusion from language. 3. Naming and representation. 4. Psychoanalysis and the symbolic order. 5. Reading the (silenced) texts. 6. Authority and autorship in women's writing. Rozdz. II. Women in language: reading the (silent) body. 1. "The male gaze": medieval perspectives on female body. 2. Inwardness of female culture: a psychoanalitic approach. 3. Julian of Norwich: the body unacknowledget. 4. Margery Kempe: the body acknowledget. 5. Writing the body: textual modes of the "female gaze". Rozdz. III. Redefining authority: Julian of Norwich and the search for the androgynous God. 1. Female paradigms: creating the non-authoritatibe author. 2. The rhetoric of the feminine: God the mother (and/-) the father. 3. The language of desire: Julian's sexual/textual self-creating images.IV. Redefining authority: Margery Kempe's search for the self. 1. Her story: authobiographical/biographical negotiations of authority. 2. Female bonds: Margery's roles and relationships. 3. Translation of the flesh: sensual/ spiritual discourse of love. |
Numer zapisu:
365208 (ZS) |