Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura powszechna - Zagadnienia specjalne (powszechna) - Tematy, motywy (powszechna) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
recenzja |
Autor: | Mitchell Harvey - szczegóły
Dział bibliografii:
Tematy, motywy (francuska) |
Canadian American Slavic Studies = Revue Canadienne Americaine d'Etudes Slaves, 1993 t. 27 nr 1/4 s. 335-338 - szczegóły |
Numer zapisu:
405577 (JB) |
Dotyczy zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym: The scar of revolution. Custine, Tocqueville and the romantic imagination, Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction: Two Frenchmen. Part one: Custine in Russia. 1. La Russie en 1839. 2. The romantic self and Russia. Aloys [Astolph de Custine: Aloys]. The French revolution and the understanding of Russia. Violence in Russia. 3. Russian history. The tangled tradition: Herberstein. Karamzin. 4. The (double) nature of Russia: The Western view. The Russian view. Grattez le Russe... A postscript: The East-West divide. 5. Self-assertion and the nature of others. 6. Mental geography: Siberia. The cities. Conclusions: In-between. - Part two: Tocqueville in America. 1. Democracy in America. 2. Journey to Lake Oneida: The Empty place. A tangled story. Travel diary and letter. 3. A Saeted Man: Beaumont's Frenchmen. A Seated man. The Seated Man and his politics. Paradise. 4. Social America: The America of many Oneidas. The discovery of America. Tocqueville's America. - Conclusions: America, Russia, and freedom. Custine, Tocqueville, and Rene. [1991] - szczegóły |