Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura amerykańska - Historia literatury (amerykańska) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym |
Autor: | Wilczyński Marek - szczegóły
The Phantom and the Abyss. Gothic Fiction in America and Aesthetics of the Sublime (1798-1856)
Wydawnictwo: | Poznań: Motivex
Rok wydania:
1998 |
Opis fizyczny książki:
265 s. |
Preface. I. The Endeavor of the Sublime: Rewriting the History of the Gothic in America. [1]. The Past under Construction. [2]. The Long Missing Links.[3]. Varieties of the American Sublime. [5]. The Crypt in the Mind. [6]. The Phantom and the Abyss. II. A Gothic Lesson on Concealment: Charles Brockden Brown. [1]. The Ancestor's Portrait. [2]. The Transparent Tomb of Mary Selwyn. [3]. The Wielands or, Imagination and Violence [Charles Brocken Brown "Wieland or The Transformation. An American Tale"]. [4]. The Forest Gothic and the Gothic-Forest: an Interlude. [5]. Edgar and Clithero, or the Sublime Begins to Fall Apart [Charles Brocken Brown "Edgar Huntly or Memoirs of Sleep-Walkers"]. [6]. Some Loose Ends or, Signposts for the Future. III. The Missing Links: Richard Henry Dana, Sr. and Washington Allston. [1]. The American Middle Ages. [2]. Young Abel and Paul Felton [Richard Henry Dana "Paul Felton"]. [3]. Washington Allston's Evidences of the Invisible World. [4]. The Stout Gentelman's Breeches or, Washington Iwving's Comic Sublime. [5]. IV. Edgar Allan Poe and the Failure of the Sublime. [1]. A Lack Colled the Sublime. [2]. The Entombed ladies and White Kantian Idol. [3]. From Stone to Rot or, Towards the Counter-Sublime. [4]. The Phantom of the Perverse. V. A Tomb of Words and Stone: Melville's "Pierre" and the Phantom's Final Triumph. [1]. Passing through Mount Greylock. [2]. Fatal Exorcism. * Coda: America as a Historical Failure. |
Numer zapisu:
508878 (ZS) |