Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura brytyjska i irlandzka - Historia literatury (brytyjska i irlandzka) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
książka w haśle rzeczowym |
Lectures on British literature. A historical survey course. Part II (1700-1885)
Osoby współtworzące: |
[Red. i oprac.:] Andrzej Zgorzelski |
2 |
Rok wydania:
1999 |
Opis fizyczny książki:
113 s. |
Lectures on British literature [wstęp, podp. A.Z.]. * General view of neoclassicism. The Augustan Age (1700-1740). Augustan prose. Poetry in the Augustan Age. The Age of [Samuel] Johnson (1740-1770). Towards pre-Romanticism (1770-1798). The rise and development of the novel. Laurence Sterne (1713-1768). Drama of the neoclassical period. Sentimental leanings in poetry. Poetry of pre-Romanticism. the pre-Romanticism novel. Romanticism 91800-1832) as an intellectual trend. Romantic theory and practice in poetry. A synthetic overview of the genre spectrum in Romantic poetry. Drama in Romanticism. The familiar essay. Fiction in Romanticism. The Victorian Age. Socio-political tendencies and intellectual trends. Main tendencies i Victorian poetry. The spectrum of mimetic genres in Victorian fiction. Between the novel and romance. Drama in the Victorian Age. |
Numer zapisu:
532802 (ZS) |