Dział bibliografii:
Literatury obce - Literatura brytyjska i irlandzka - Hasła szczegółowe (brytyjska i irlandzka) - Hasła osobowe (brytyjska i irlandzka) |
Rodzaj zapisu:
recenzja |
Hasło osobowe: | Conrad Joseph - szczegóły
Autor: | Sokołowska Katarzyna - szczegóły
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, 2001 r. 47 (2000) z. 2 s. 251-253 - szczegóły |
Numer zapisu:
612406 (ZS) |
Dotyczy zapisu:
książka o twórcy (przedmiotowa): Conrad, James and other relations, Part I: Conrad and James: Eloise Knapp Hay: James, Conrad and the Genealogy of the Revolutionary Novel. - Rodie Sudbury: Anarchism and Suicide in "The Princess Casamassima" and "The Secret Agent". - Paul B. Armstrong: Cultural Differences in Conrad and James: "Under Western Eyes" and "The Ambassadors". - Elsa Nettels: Unread Words: The Power of Letters in the Fiction of Henry James and Joseph Conrad. - Millicent Bell: James and Conrad: The Fictions of Autobiography. - Allan Simmons: Conrad on James: Open-endedness and Artistic Affiliation. - Anthony Fothergill: Memory and Experience Lost: Conrad's "Karain. A Memory" and James's "The Beast in the Jungle". - Robert Hampson: Storytellers and Storytelling in "The Partner," "The Informer," 'The Lesson of the Master" and "The Sacred Fount". - Josiane Paccaud-Huguet: "Another Turn of the Racking Screw:" The Poetics of Disavowal in "The Shadow-Line". - Richard Hocks: Teaching Henry James and Joseph Conrad. * Part II. Conrad, James and other relations: Hugh Epstein: "Victory"'s Marionettes: Conrad's Revisitation of Stevenson. - Garry Watson: Fundamental Information: "The Secret Agent", "Billy Budd", "Sailor"
and the Sacrificial Crisis. - Wieslaw Krajka: Making Magic as Cross-cultural Encounter: The Case of Conrad's "Karain. A Memory". - Tim Middleton: Re-reading Conrad's "Complete Man": Contruction of Masculine Subjectivity in "Heart of Darkness" and "Lord Jim". - Paul Hollywood: The Artist as Anarchist: Henry James's "The Princess Casamassima" and the Prospect of Revolution. - Philip Home: The Lessons of Flaubert: James and "L'Education Sentimentale". - George Smith: Manet, James and Postmodern Narrative.
[1998] - szczegóły |