Dział bibliografii:
Hasła osobowe (literatura polska) - Hasła osobowe (literatura polska) - M |
Rodzaj zapisu:
artykuł o utworze |
Hasło osobowe: | Miłosz Czesław - szczegóły
Autor: | Cypryś Wiesław - szczegóły
Związkowiec = The Alliancer, 1989 nr 47 s. 5 - szczegóły |
Numer zapisu:
68782 (JK) |
Dotyczy zapisu:
książka twórcy (podmiotowa): [Wybór wierszy] The collected poems. 1931-1987, Cz. Miłosz: [wstęp]. * A poem on frozen time. * Three winters: The song. The gates of the Arsenal. Hymn. Dawns. Slow river. Statue of couple. * Rescue: Ballad of Levallois. Encounter. A book in the ruins. Day of generation.Campo del Fiori. The world: The road. The gate. The porch. The dining room. The stairs. Pictures. Father in the library. Father's incantations. From the Window. Father explains. A parable of the Poppy. By the peonies.Faith. Hope. Love. The excursion to the forest. The Bird Kingdom. Fear. Recovery. The sun. - [Voices of poor people: A song on the end of the world. Song of a citizen. The poor poet. Cafe. A poor Christian looks at the ghetto. Outskirts. - Songs of Adrian Zieliński. Farewell. Flight. In Warsaw. Dedication. 8 Daylight: Song of porcelain. Child of Europe. Mid-twentieth-century portrait. A nation. Birth. A family. Ocean. The journey. The spirit of the laws. A legend. Earth. You who wronged. Mittelbergheim. * Treatisse on poetry [fragm.]. * King Popiel and other poems: King Popiel. Magpiety. Lessons. No ,ore. Ode to a bird. Happiness. What once was great. Should, should not. What does it mean. Heraclitus. Greek portrait. The master. A frivolous conversation. In Milan. From the Chronicle of the town Pornic: Bluebeard's castle. The owners. Vandeans. Our lady of recovery. - Far West. Throughout aur lands. * Bobo's metamorphosis: It was winter. Bobo's metamorphosis. River grow small. Whey will place there telescreens. On the other side. And the city stood in its brightness. Those corridors. Three talks on civilisation. Sentences. I sleep a lot. Dithiramb. * City without a name: The year. City without a name. When the moon. Veni creator. Window. With trumpets and zithers. How it was. On the road. Witheness. Thesis and counter-thesis. Counsels. Incantation. Ars Poetica? Higher arguments in favor of discipline derived from the speech before the council of the Universal State in 2068. My faithful mother Tongue. * Uncollected poems: [1988] - szczegóły |